Thursday, June 2, 2011

All I Want Is... The Quote of the Day!

"Sometimes, the simplest advice that you give to others is the hardest thing for you to follow."

Massachusetts Tornado!

Yesterday was a scary day in New England!

I check my Weather Channel App on my phone every morning. When I checked it this time there was a Tornado Watch. I didn't believe it, I just thought New Enlgand gets watches here and there but nothing ever really happens. Oh was I wrong! Even though in New Hampshire nothing happened besides severe thunderstorms about 2 hours away in Springfield, Ma they weren't so lucky.

During rush hour yesterday a tornado ran through downtown Springfield and surrounding suburbs. I was watching it all happen over the news channels. I couldn't believe the video and pictures I was seeing. It was crazy. No one would ever expect something like this to happen in New England, it's very rare.

Massachusetts is under a State of Emergency and there are National Guard there now helping out with the aftermath. Reportedly 40+ people have been admitted to the hospital. There is still much more details to come.

I just hope that everyone is safe over there in Springfield, Ma! And hopefully with everyones help there can give them a speedy recovery and bring the town back to how it was.

*photo from

All I Want Is... The Song of the Day!

Beyonce- Best Thing I Never Had 

 "Thank God you blew it..Thank God I dodged the bullet.. I’m so over you..So baby good lookin’ out. You turned out out to be the best thing I never had. It sucks to be you"


Best Five Dollar Bill... Ever!

"Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter."

Artist James Charles turns curreny into the most art I've ever seen! If money was like this I wouldn't even want to spend it. Though each bill that Charles has done is selling for roughly $700... so if I bought one I wouldn't dare to spend it!

The one up above is my favorite of them all! ha!

check the rest of the bills here!
